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Internet & Utilities

Information on internet & utilities resources in the community

Campus Internet Resources

Wi-fi accessibility
Chemeketa has wi-fi access at the Salem and Yamhill Valley campuses along with the Woodburn, Polk and Brooks centers via the student wifi. Come on inside of one of our campuses and centers and connect to the college wi-fi. For instructions on how to connect, please see here. If you encounter any issues call the IT Help Desk at 503.399.7899.

Community Internet & Utilities Resources

Broadband Internet -FCC's Emergency Broadband Benefit
Starting Wednesday May 12, households struggling to afford Internet service during the pandemic can apply to receive discounted service through the FCC's Emergency Broadband Benefit. See if you qualify and how to apply at

Comcast Internet Essentials

Low cost internet. Must be eligible for public assistance such as SNAP or children's free/reduced lunch.

Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs - Emergency Assistance
One-time emergency financial assistance for veterans and immediate family.

Oregon Lifeline
A federal and state government program that provides a monthly discount on phone or broadband service for qualifying low-income Oregon households.

Northwest Natural Gas 
Northwest Natural Gas offers an income-based bill discount program. You can access the application and eligibility checker on their webpage linked above. 

Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action (Marion & Polk counties)
Energy Assistance (PGE and PAC customers only). Must be at or below 60% of Oregon median income (chart on site).

YCAP (Yamhill County)
Energy Assistance (PGE and NWN customers only). Must meet income requirement.


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