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First-Time College Student

If you're a high school or GED graduate (or graduating this year) with no prior college classes seeking a college degree or certificate, follow these instructions to get started at Chemeketa.

Follow these steps if you plan to complete general education requirements for your bachelor's degree or pursue a Chemeketa certificate or associate degree in a technical field.

Step 1 - Apply for admission

No application fee. For the best chance at success, submit your application by the recommended date.


Starting College Classes in Recommend to Submit Application by
Fall (September) August 1
Winter (January) November 1
Spring (March) February 1

After you submit the application, we will email you the next steps within five to ten business days. Check your email account (including the spam folder) for a Chemeketa email.

Step 2 - Set up your account

If you haven't already set up your Chemeketa student account, follow the steps in your Chemeketa emails. You will set up your account password and activate your student Gmail. If you need help with this step, call the IT Help Center at 503.399.7899.

Step 3 - Paying for college

There are plenty of ways to pay for college including federal and state aid, scholarships, savings, a job, and more. You'll likely use a combination of resources to pay for school.

Learn about how to pay for college.

Step 4 - Placement assessment

Fill out the placement assessment form. This will help us determine which courses you need to begin with. After you submit the form, we’ll review it. You will receive a response in three to five business days with information about your placement.

Learn more about the placement process.

Step 5 - New student orientation

Chemeketa offers orientation for new students on campus (in-person) and online. 

In-person orientation is more comprehensive and will help set you up right away for your first term. At orientation, you will -

  • Meet with an academic advisor
  • Register for classes
  • Get help with financial aid
  • Learn about Chemeketa resources and technology
  • Prepare for first term success

Schedule your in-person orientation here 

If you're unable to attend orientation on campus, you can complete orientation online. You'll need your Chemeketa user name and password. After you log in, go to the Services tab, then Advising link, and scroll down to the New Student Orientation icon. After completing the online orientation, call your nearest Chemeketa location to schedule a first-term advising appointment.

Step 6 - First term advising

If you attend new student orientation in person, you will receive first term advising at your orientation. If you complete your orientation online, you can book a separate appointment with an advisor. Your Chemeketa advisor will help you -

  • Understand your placement 
  • Choose your classes
  • Learn about student resources
  • Understand financial aid

Learn more about first term advising

Step 7 - Register for classes

Check your registration date for the term you plan to start classes. Log in to your Chemeketa student account and register for classes. To learn how to register for your classes, watch this short video.

Step 8 - Arrange for payment

Payment is due on the first day of the term or within 10 days of registration (whichever is later). Late fees are applied on unpaid accounts throughout the term. Learn more about tuition and fees. You can also set up a payment plan.