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Visual Communications Course Sequences

See the classes you should take each term to complete the Visual Communications certificate or degree you want to earn.

Visual Communications Certificate & Degree Course Sequences

Getting Started

The program has special admission requirements and enrollment limits. Attending a program overview session is required in order to learn all current program information and application procedures. Sessions are scheduled throughout the year, and dates are posted on the program web site at You will also find a digital program application on the web site. A portfolio of previous work is part of the application process. Your work can be in any media—not just graphic design.

The first step to entering this program is to take part in an assessment process, which includes taking the college’s free placement test and meeting with Chemeketa’s Advising and First Year Programs staff. You may need to complete program entry requirements. Then your advisor will help you develop an individualized program of study.

Entry Requirements
Course Title Credit Hours
XMTH5001A Numerical Reasoning non-credit
RD115 Academic Thinking and Reading 3
WR115 Introduction to Composition 4

The Visual Communications program accepts digital applications for fall entry from the last week of April through the last week of June. Students may apply for the program while completing the prerequisite courses listed above.

If you have questions about program requirements, contact the Visual Communications program at 503.399.5070 or email the program chair.

View course sequences from the catalog:

See course descriptions for more information about your classes.