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Chemeketa offers several geology classes—some of them help fulfill the science requirements of our transfer degrees.

topics Science

Skills & InterestFiguring Things Out

CareersScience & Engineering

  • Rock formation
  • Crater Lake and Wizard Island
  • Multnomah Falls

Why choose Geology?

Geology gives us a deeper perspective on how time and energy affect the earth.

Geologists study the solid and liquid matter that constitutes the Earth as well as the processes and history that have shaped it.

What will you learn?

  • Geology of the Pacific Northwest
  • Nature and origin of common rocks and minerals
  • Geologic process that shape landscapes like rivers, coasts, deserts and glaciers
  • Geologic evolution of the earth

What will you do?

People who study geology have a deep understanding of how the earth was made and how it continues to change. Students of geology often work in –

  • Education
  • Government
  • Mining
  • Natural resource management